Improve your Life

Improve Your Life

Unlock Your Potential

Utilize Your Full Power

Rock Your Career

About Founder:

Farah Fakhouri

She is professional coach and management professional with over 17 years of experience, she has coached, mentored and delivered change in professional’s lives and businesses.

She is Certified Rapid Transformational Coach (RTT) from Marisa Peer School in UK and Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner by The Society of NLP and Certified NLP Coach by Mind Bridge ICF Accredited.

Farah holds a Bachelor degree in Economics, Postgraduate Diploma in Total Quality Management in Healthcare from the American University.

She is a member of ICF International Coaching Federation and International Association of Counselors and Therapists in USA.

Farah also is the founder of Wave Health Consultancy and London Excellence Academy committed to delivering excellency in healthcare and other industries by providing world class consulting and training services. where designed and delivered over 800 accredited training programs for over 9000 healthcare professionals and participated in numerous international consulting projects. All the above made her committed to delivering excellency and contributing to the improvement of the business sector and individuals’ life, She use latest cutting-edge techniques and create operational models that impact efficiencies, quality and safety in business industry.

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